Monday 9 July 2012

Two Gorgeous Little Girls Running for Mummy

On Sunday 8th July, I took part in the Race For Life with my gorgeous granddaughters Megan and Millie-May, this was Megan's second race and Millie's first.

I have to say that I am so very very proud of them both, they are amazing little girls. Millie didn't stop once, when we walked she jogged and when we jogged she ran as fast as her little legs would take her. I don't think she really understands yet where her Mummy is. My heart breaks when I look at her and realise that she will have no real memories of her Mummy, she will have just pictures and things what we tell her, but we will make sure she knows everything about Claire as she grows older and what an amazing person she was. All the way round yesterday she kept hold of my hand, would not let go, she looked at me and said, "Nana, can Mummy see us from the sky?" I of course said yes, she then said, "I think Mummy's shouting go Millie go", trying not to let the tears start, I said I think she is, Millie squeezed my hand real tight and said, "Lets run faster, Nana."

Claire would have been so proud of them yesterday. We completed the 5k in 45 minutes which is 20 minutes better than last year :-) And considering Millie is only 4 and has got little legs I think that is excellent!!!

Megan now has the running bug, she wants to take up running, so next year we aim to run and beat our time again.

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