Saturday 23 June 2012

Time Flies

Where have the last few weeks gone? I didn't realise it's been over two weeks since I wrote on here...whoops.

Anyway, last weekend Clive and I went the Lakes again, and guess what... it rained all weekend till it was time to go home Sunday lunchtime :-( We tried the Western Lakes where we've never really been before. We stayed in a little village called Boot, it was gorgeous, Clive chose the bed and breakfast which conveniently had a beer festival on and of course the England match on a 100-inch screen, how strange he chose that one.

The rain didn't stop us from walking though, obviously because it was so wet we couldn't do any serious climbing. As some of you may know I am not save on my feet at the best of times, so anyway we were up bright and early Saturday morning and out walking for 9am. Which is excellent going for Clive especially as it was a Saturday.

We were in the Eskdale Valley where there's a walk around the river - you can either do the flat walk or there is detour with a small climb up to the waterfalls. Of course with us being backward we started the walk at the end, so we got a little confused, well Clive did he seems to be loosing his sense of direction as he's getting older. We had walked a fair few miles when we realised we had come off the footpath. We came to a point where we had to cross the river, there was a  shallow bit with rocks, it was either try cross it there or walk back and retrace our steps. Clive went for trying to cross the river - it's all right for him he has long legs, I'm not that lucky. But amazingly after a lot of balancing on one leg and stretching as far as my legs would go I made it safely across the other side with my feet still nice and dry :-) Job well done to me I think. Luckily enough when we got across there was a sign for the waterfalls so we were back on track. Off we went up to the waterfalls, this was a very slippery path, and in some places quite steep and you had to walk close to the edge, so this tested my fear off sheer drops (well not that sheer but a start). The path up to the falls also includes bridges that criss-cross across the river and the waterfall. They were stunning views and even in the rain it looked just beautiful. As we got the next to last viewing point, there was a warning on the bridge that the path was very steep and very slippery. We stood for a short while and watched other walkers going up an down, it was very close to the edge at some points. I lost my bottle there, I couldn't do it. Maybe I will go back again when its dry and try again. So we made our way back down and finished the walk and strangely enough we found our way back to the pub just in time for lunch and a glass or two of cider.

After lunch we walked to the next village and back so overall we did approx. 11 miles, and we didn't feel tired at the end. It was the weather that stopped us in the end, we felt like we could have walked a bit more.

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