Friday 1 June 2012

Back On Track

Last weekend we took Megan and Millie to the Lakes for the day - we need to keep walking every weekend to keep up with the training. So we thought it would be a good idea to get the girls involved in it and get them walking too. What a fantastic day we had! The girls walked their little legs off. Especially Millie, she's such a little star, she really is, and she is such a little poser. I'll post some pics below. They are growing up way too fast. They loved the Lakes and can't wait to go back.

Also last week I slacked a bit on the exercise :-( but I'm back on track this week. I've been to the gym a few mornings, and walked to work too after :-) My friend Fran who I go with is super fit and a lot of her enthusiasm has rubbed of on me. I have a lot to thank her for - she inspires me some days to go that bit further. She talked me into going for a jog last night after work, I thought it can't be that bad I'm doing okay in the gym. How wrong was I, shit it was hard work. After about 5 minutes Fran was running and chatting at the same time, as for me I was gasping for breath!!! Oh dear I have a long way to go yet. It's made me realise just how much more I have to do. But I didn't let it dishearten me, in fact its made me more determined to carry on. I suppose exercising in the gym is totally different from doing it outside. So over the weekend I will try another jog.

Poor Clive hasn't been able to do anything this week, hes not been well and he's had this nasty virus going around. I was skitting him at first saying it was man flu, feel a little guilty now because he really has been unwell, but he's feeling better today just in time for the girls coming tomorrow.

We've got a busy weekend ahead, with the charity market on Monday, the girls are helping on that. We also need to get some walking in too, as Megan and Millie are going to be doing The Race for Life on 9th July, might take us all day with Millie, but she will do it!

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