Monday 28 May 2012


Well we have had confirmation that the Trek is now full :-) 120 people taking part! There was so much interest they have arranged another one for November 2013, so if anyone is interested I'll post the link below. You only live once so if you have ever thought "oh it would be so good to do something like that" then you should just go for it!

We've been quite busy this last week, we have now got two Bikeathons arranged in the gym we go to. It's Fit for Free in Garston, Liverpool, they are kindly arranging it all. The aim is to keep the bike going from when it opens at 7am to when it closes which is about 10.30pm. So please if you live near us come and put your name down for a stint. The dates for the gym one are 25th June and 27th July, which also coincides with the Olympics.

Thanks for reading. Please share with all your friends and family and come join us on Facebook :-)

Sunday 20 May 2012

Our first proper walk since training began

On Friday we went up to the Lake District to put our training so far to the test, so here goes.......We got up Saturday morning, the weather was overcast but dry :-) Had a delicious full Cumbrian breakfast to give us a good start to the day. We did originally have a walk round Ulleswater Lake planned, now it's quite a very long walk, and poor Clive has had "man flu!" all week, we thought it best to change the plan! So we did two walks over the day totaling approx. 8 miles. The first walk was around Aira Waterfalls, which I have to say are pretty amazing. It was only about 2 miles, but there was quite a bit of climbing. There were some very steep steps, 100 to be exact!! The woman on the National Trust Van assured us that there was bench at the top where we could sit and get our breath back, there was no bench!! But the view was well worth the effort. After climbing back down and giving poor Clive several heart attacks, as I am not the most safest person on steps, (as some of you know, I broke my foot a few years ago, falling down a step about an inch high, and it was in a wine shop) we made it safely to the bottom. Next we went to Grassmere.

In Grassmere we've always done a walk to Easedale Tarn, now the last time we did this was a few years ago, it's approx. 6 miles and around 750 feet. That doesn't sound very much, but it is a very steep 750, and very rocky. It was also very water logged after all the rain we have had lately, I don't understand how this country has a drought, they need to take a walk up Easedale Tarn! So of course it was like playing stepping stones all the way up, poor Clive having to guide me over them trying not to fall off, so you will be pleased to hear that I made it to the top without getting my feet wet :-) but guess what as I reached the top, there was a big squelch and an OH S***, yes in went my foot, it was that wet it went right over my boots. Clive just looks at me shakes his head and laughs, I mean a walk with me is not complete without me getting very wet or muddy. On the way up we only had to stop 2 times. I was very proud of myself and Clive. Once at the top we had a lovely picnic by the Tarn. After we had been fed and watered we both felt refreshed and ready to go again, so instead of walking back down the way we came up, we walked on a bit further around the Tarn and back down the other side. Now I never thought I'd hear myself say this, but going up is a lot easier than going back down, how I never broke my leg I do not know! Once we were back down, we went to Baldry's coffee shop for little reward.

On Sunday morning, we woke up and felt fine until we tried to move, oh dear!!! We ached, so to try and loosen those muscles we did a small walk from Ellterwater to Chesters Coffee Shop. Now this is the best coffee shop I have ever been to, their cakes are the best I have ever tasted and are huge. Then it was off home :-(

Sunday 13 May 2012

Testing The Training

Lets see if the training so far has been worth the effort!

So next weekend we are going to the Lake District for the weekend, we have a walk planned for Saturday, so lets see if all this training so far has been worth while. I hope so!! It's still going very well, not getting fed up yet, in fact the more I do the more I enjoy it. I am noticing a big difference, I've lost just over a stone now, so my clothes are feeling looser. So you know what that means shopping :-) and of course walking round the shops is good exercise!

Sam had an interesting conversation with a nurse this week. She asked Sam about any history of breast cancer in the family, so she told them about Claire and cervical cancer. The nurse was shocked to hear what Sam was telling her, she can't believe that Claire had not been diagnosed earlier. She asked Sam if she was being screened, and was shocked again when she said she wasn't. Sam is 20 this year, we have spoke to our GP about getting her screened, he said he is more than happy to do her a smear, but it's very unlikely the lab will process it because of her age. Again playing god with our lives. So of course we will be paying for her to go private. The nurse also told her that in their training they are told if someone under 25 is showing symptoms or worried then you can give them a smear as it will not do any harm! So why don't they??

Saturday 5 May 2012

Fundraising and Awareness Day

Charity Market Newcastle Staffs Monday 4th June 2012

We have got a stall on Newcastle's yearly charity market in June to raise funds for our Trek. We will be having a tombola, lucky dip etc. so if anyone has any unwanted Christmas presents etc... please pass them our way :-) And if anyone has any ideas for the day to make it more fun and raise more money then please let me know and pop along and give us a helping hand. On the day we will of course be raising awareness of the importance of cervical screening. NO matter how old you are that five minute test can save your life!! So ladies if you've been putting yours off pick up that phone and make that appointment!!