Thursday 19 April 2012

Busy Week

So this week we have started asking people to sponsor us for our Britain Against Cancer Trek :-) Had quite a few already. It's also been a busy week, what with work and trying to fit training in, but we managed it.

I really have got the gym bug, and total weight loss so far is 12lb!!! Which I am happy with as I have been able to have a treat or 2 along the way. Sometimes though I feel as though I cannot do anymore, but what I have done is created a playlist on my iPod of all Claires favourite songs, so just as I start to think of giving in a song comes on and reminds me of Claire and why I am doing this.

Theres also fantastic news this week! Sandra Cousins, Mercedes mum, has reached her target of 100,000 signatures on her petition!! I'm proud to say that Claire's Wish petition is in there too. She is delivering the petition to Downing Street on Monday 23rd April - Cameron will wonder what's hit him. Sadly I cannot go along as we have family commitments, but I will be with them in spirit and wishing them all the luck in the world, and happy that now because there are over 100,000 signatures this now has to go to Parliment for debate!! So hopefully this time they will take notice and do the right thing and admit they were wrong in raising that age to 25.

Watch this space!!!!

Take a look at the Facebook page for the Mercedes Curnow Foundation for the early detection of Cervical Cancer.

Monday 9 April 2012

Training has begun!

Well, Clive and I joined the gym a couple of weeks ago... have to say so far so good :-) Our other daughter Sam swears I have been taken over by Aliens, and Clive goes the gym 3 or maybe 4 times a week. As for me well.....I am out of the house every morning at 6.30am, round to my friends house (Fran, me gym buddy), and we are in the gym for 7am! I spend an hour or so doing the treadmill etc.... then shower and in work for 9am. Have to admit it gives me a real good boost in the morning, by the time I get to work I am full of beans :-)

Last Thursday I did a taster class of legs, bums and tums and had a go at spinning - mmmmmm maybe I shouldn't have given them a go on the same day. My poor legs were wondering what had hit them the next morning!!

I also go in the evening a couple of nights with Clive, so hopefully the weight will start to drop off soon.

So... so far so good :-)